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International and USPTO-Registered USA Patent Attorney Maximizing Patent Rights From Filing to Issuance | Atlanta, Georgia

Find out more about the practice of Jarrett Silver, an Atlanta Patent Lawyer for WIPO and USA Patent Filings and Office Actions

Image of Five Out Of Five Star Review. Client Review "Jarrett is a fantastic attorney that works with clients in a constructive way that adds value to the business."

Let us know how we can help you.

USPTO, PCT and Hague Patent Application Drafting and Prosecution for Domestic (USA) Clients and Firms | Atlanta Patent Attorney | International Patent Attorney

USPTO Patent Drafting and Prosecution

silverlegal provides utility patent application preparation (drafting) and prosecution before the United States Patent and Trademark Office ("USPTO") to its clients. We can help with provisional, non-provisional or PCT applications. silverlegal can work with foreign associates (international law firms) to help silverlegal's clients procure patent rights in other countries or help the foreign associates' clients procure patent rights in the U.S. silverlegal can also help its clients with the patent process from inventor's notebooks to invention disclosures to global filing decisions to decisions of whether to maintain existing patents. For international applicants seeking a US inbound patent legal assistance, please click here.We enjoy working on mechanical, consumer products, complex manufacturing, medical device, aerospace, electromechanical, materials processing and other interdisciplinary inventions. Through our partners or subcontractors, we can also work on software, chemical, biology and other technical areas.If you have a restriction requirement or election of species requirement, a USPTO Office Action rejecting your claims under 35 USC §101, §102, §103 or §112 or objecting for another reason, silverlegal can prepare and submit a response for you.Or, if your technology is so complex that your current law firm won't spend the time to learn it in order to effectively progress your application, give silverlegal a call.We can also help with licensing, power of attorney, information disclosure statements, assignments, patent drawings, petitions, interview request forms, unintentional abandonment, and other patent documents your startup or growing business may need.silverlegal also provides innovative service models based on clients needs. For example, if an application is the cornerstone of a business strategy and is worth spending extra money on, silverlegal may pull together multiple experts to provide input. In other situations, you may want silverlegal to provide oversight of your existing patent attorney. For us, it is always about building the right solution for the client, and always at a predictable budget.Mr. Silver is a patent attorney registered to practice before the USPTO and represents startups, established companies and individual inventors (aka solo inventors) with complex technologies.Select applications and granted utility patents that Mr. Silver worked including drafting or prosecution are listed here on the patent listing page.We help you and your clients handle USA patent prosecution needs before the United States Patent and Trademark Office ("USPTO"). We can assist in filing §371 US national stage applications and §111(a) bypass continuation applications from your PCT applications. We assist in all aspects of the prosecution of your applications until issuance including preparing office action responses, conducting interviews, and appealing when necessary. We do not off-shore any work. We can also help with trademark applications.While we need high-quality translations of applications and prior art documents, we let our foreign associates provide their own translations to keep the cost down.You can see a sample of patents that Mr. Silver has worked on over the years on our patent listing page.The Firm requires a signed engagement letter before submitting a Power of Attorney making silverlegal your attorney of record. Request an engagement letter by entering your contact information and a brief message into the form below.silverlegal has a strong early-stage startup law practice and provides a full suite of startup lawyer, corporate lawyer, and startup investment services in this regard. If you need other startup lawyer services, check out our sister site

Image of Five Out Of Five Star Review. Client Review "Jarrett is a fantastic attorney that works with clients in a constructive way that adds value to the business."


Call silverlegal for a fixed-fee "all-inclusive" price quote today for a utility patent application or a USPTO Office Action response. We also offer hourly representation. In extremely rare cases, we can consider ownership rights or equity. silverlegal can offer an "all-inclusive" rate to its clients and not nickel and dime them for each tiny thing. Patent application pricing varies based on application type, complexity and subject matter. Before calling us, note that it is not our business model to be a low-cost provider but instead offer a high value for your investment. We will need to speak with you to quote a price.If you request a patent search, we outsource it to professional patent searchers who can work at lower rates and be more efficient than we can. When possible, we also use outsourced professional patent draftspeople for high-quality drawings. (Sometimes we are able to use your drawings to save costs provided they are compliant with patent office guidelines.)Most patent Office Action responses based on one or more rejections can be handled for $1,500 - $3,000 depending on complexity. We can handle non-final and final office actions, and all types of rejections and objections. Prepping for and conducting examiner interviews, provided no travel is involved, is usually less than $1,500. These estimates are non-binding and subject to change at any time at silverlegal's discretion.Government fees are paid for by the client unless included in an "all-inclusive" rate. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's fee schedule can be found here. silverlegal provides for free select USPTO/WIPO patent forms. Common fees we handle after the initial filing are information disclosure statement (IDS) fees, extension of time, request for continued examinations (RCE), correction of inventorship, and extra claims fees.

Managing International Patent Attorney Work

The silverlegal firm oversees outbound work on behalf of US with "foreign associate" international law firms. We have existing relationships with many foreign associates around the world that we can use to help you extend your protection into local protection in almost any country utilizing patent, utility model, design or trademark protection. We can draft your first application as a US patent application or a PCT patent application, and then work with our foreign associates in the countries that you want. We can also work with you if you already ahve an application on file. We try to choose the right-sized foreign associate for the size of the client. Most of the countries that are members of the PCT allow 30 or 31 months from the earliest priority date.Even if you already have a US or PCT application on file, we need to provide our foreign associates with as much lead time as possible to advise on and file local (national phase) applications. Also, keep in mind that English-language patent applications used in national phase entry may require translations. Please allow extra time in such countries.We can also utilize various strategies for getting an examination of your subject matter early using Track One or choice of quick International Searching Authority. With a favorable examination, the Patent Prosecution Highway program may become avialable to the applicant in the United States and various countries.silverlegal has a strict policy against factoring in reciprocity in choosing foreign associates. silverlegal does not engage in a quid pro quo relationship with foreign associates. Foreign associates are chosen based on the perceived quality, expertise, value and timeliness as well as fit on a client-by-client basis. Relationships with silverlegal are formed, tested, and maintained one interaction at a time.

IP/Patent Agreement Work

We have a full service practice for intellectual property agreement work and additionally assist clients with the paper trail around inventing, disclosing and transferring ideas. We assist clients from the initial idea from the initial non-disclosure agreements to software development agreements, product development agreements, prototyping agreements, and manufacturing agreements (and work-for-hire agreements) and employee IP assignment agreements to IP sale and IP licensing agreements.

Patent Process and Patent Law Counseling

We can help walk you through the patent process from drafting to filing an application to prosecution to issuance. At each step along the way, we can help you understand your options. We also have experience with international filing and can provide a reasonable estimation of your options and cost structure and expectations.

Partnering with Patent Service Providers to Provide You with More Comprehensive Service

We outsource patent searches to only domestic third party patent search firms. We also work with various domestic patent professionals and draftspersons to provide you with better quality or better value.silverlegal does not provide any litigation services.

USPTO, PCT and Hague Patent Application Filing, Drafting, and Prosecution for International (Ex-USA) Clients and Firms | Patent Attorney, Atlanta, Georgia

Image of Five Out Of Five Star Review. Client Review "Jarrett help[ed] us a lot. We are overseas and he always tried his best to smooth things. If we need anything else, definitely Jarrett will be our choice."

We help you and your clients handle USA patent and design prosecution needs before the United States Patent and Trademark Office ("USPTO"). We do not try to be the lowest cost US practitioners you can find, but as a small firm, we do offer a good value for the level of experience of the attorney working on your applications. Mr. Silver has been registered with the USPTO since 2007.We can assist in filing §371 US national stage applications and §111(a) bypass continuation applications / continuation-in-part applications (if you want to add new matter in the US application) from your PCT applications. We assist in all aspects of the prosecution of your applications until issuance including preparing office action responses, conducting interviews, and appealing when necessary.We can help you with design applications filed directly in the USPTO or stemming from your US designation of your Hague applications.We can also help with trademark applications.We do not off-shore any work.You can find out more about domestic patent work here and see a sample of patents that Mr. Silver has worked on over the years on our patent listing page.The Firm requires a signed engagement letter before submitting a Power of Attorney making silverlegal your attorney of record. Request an engagement letter by entering your contact information and a brief message into the form below.Nothing on this page constitutes legal advice. Speak to an attorney about your specific facts and circumstances.

Initiating a "Foreign Associate" Relationship Between an International Law Firm and a silverlegal USPTO Patent Attorney

The silverlegal firm oversees inbound and outbound USPTO, PCT and Hague work on behalf of US and other international clients. Foreign associates are chosen based on the perceived quality, expertise, value and timeliness as well as fit on a client-by-client basis. Relationships with silverlegal are formed, tested, and maintained one interaction at a time. Let us handle a first matter for you, and we expect you will be pleased with our service quality.While silverlegal welcomes new foreign associate relationships, silverlegal has a strict policy against factoring in reciprocity in working with foreign associates or accepting sizeable gifts or non-service-based compensation. We do not engage in quid pro quo client referrals.We will perform conflict checks before each new application and enter into an engagement letter with first-time clients.While we need high-quality translations of applications and prior art documents, we let our foreign associates provide their own translations to keep the cost down. We can also use the patent searches of our foreign associates or order a patent search domestically.Phone/WhatsApp: +1 678 805 7458No appointment is necessary for foreign associates to discuss matters by phone or WhatsApp. First-time WhatsApp texters/callers should introduce themselves by text or email before calling as the Firm does not pick up unknown international calls.Note that the Firm does not outsource ancillary services such as patent searching, patent drafting, figure drafting, etc. to non-USA service providers.Silver Legal LLC
4455 Lower Roswell Road #681041
Marietta, Georgia 30068

Select Technology and USPTO Art Units with Patent Application Experience | Patent Attorney Atlanta

  • Optics

  • Mechanical

  • Materials

  • Nanotechnology

  • Automotive

  • Advanced Manufacturing

  • Displays

  • Medical Devices and MedTech

  • 3D Printing

  • Consumer Goods

  • Aerospace

  • Software

  • Health IT and Health Tech

  • Clean Tech

  • Power Generation/Distribution/Safety

  • Hardware

  • Electronics

  • Interdisciplinary Technologies

  • High Tech

  • Deep Tech

  • Filtration and Purification Technologies

Image of Five Out Of Five Star Review. Client Review "Jarrett helped us a lot. We are overseas and he always tried his best to smooth things. If we need anything else, definitely Jarrett will be our choice."
Image of Five Out Of Five Star Review. Client Review "Jarrett help[ed] us a lot. We are overseas and he always tried his best to smooth things. If we need anything else, definitely Jarrett will be our choice."

silverlegal affiliates with other patent attorneys and agents to provide greater technological scope for its clients including unlisted technology areas. We can also help with your trademark needs.

Free USPTO Forms and WIPO Forms For Your Patent Application | Atlanta Patent Attorney

USPTO Forms are available on the USPTO Forms website. Below silverlegal has selected some forms that might be useful for you.
USPTO Inventor Oath
Information Disclosure Statement
USPTO Application Data Sheet
USPTO Micro Entity Certification (Gross Income Method)
USPTO Petition for Extensions of Time for Office Action Responses
USPTO Request for Continued Examination
USPTO Examiner Interview Request Form
USPTO Inventor Oath or Declaration in Different Langauges
USPTO Power of Attorney Forms in Different Langauges
Did you know that you can sign most USPTO documents with the USPTO's prescribed form of s-signature that depends on the context? For example, you may be able to use the format / First Last /. See this USPTO Acceptable Signatures document for examples.PCT FormsHague System Forms
Make a change in ownership
Make a change in holder name and/or address
File an international application
Appoint a representative
Make a change in representative name and/or address
While we provdie some forms above, we recommend you use PatentCenter, ePCT, and eHague where applicable to reduce potential issues.Nothing on this page constitutes legal advice. All forms are provided AS IS with all faults. Use of these forms is at your own risk, and silverlegal or its attorneys do not take any responsibility for your usage. Speak to an attorney about your specific facts and circumstances to know which form is right for your needs or if you need a custom document.

Managing Attorney Bio | Atlanta Patent Attorney

Jarrett Silver, registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office ("USPTO") since 2007, has many years of experience in helping clients get patents and resolve outstanding issues before the USPTO. Please find his attorney bio here. Mr. Silver works together with hand-picked colleagues on an as-needed basis to competently cover a variety of patent technical areas, trademarks, and geographical areas.Mr. Silver will make you feel like a valued client. No appointment is necessary for foreign associates or international clients to discuss matters by phone or WhatsApp.

Image of Five Out Of Five Star Review. Client Review "Jarrett is a fantastic attorney that works with clients in a constructive way that adds value to the business."

Third Party Review Sites*

Image of Five Out Of Five Star Review Summary from Google My Business.
Image of Five Out Of Five Star Review Summary from Google My Business.
Image of Five Out Of Five Star Review Summary from Avvo.
Image of Five Out Of Five Star Review. Client Review "Jarrett helped us a lot. We are overseas and he always tried his best to smooth things. If we need anything else, definitely Jarrett will be our choice."
Image of Five Out Of Five Star Review. Client Review "Jarrett helped us a lot. We are overseas and he always tried his best to smooth things. If we need anything else, definitely Jarrett will be our choice."
Image of Five Out Of Five Star Review. Client Review "Jarrett helped us a lot. We are overseas and he always tried his best to smooth things. If we need anything else, definitely Jarrett will be our choice."
Image of Five Out Of Five Star Review. Client Review "Jarrett helped us a lot. We are overseas and he always tried his best to smooth things. If we need anything else, definitely Jarrett will be our choice."

Attorney does not presently affiliate with UpCounsel or Avvo.

Outsourced Patent Law Practice | USPTO-Registered Patent Attorney Jarrett Silver (Atlanta, GA, USA)

Patent Outsourcing Relationship for US Patent Preparation and Prosecution

For law firms that do not have a patent practice and those that are unable to handle a specific matter, silverlegal can act as your outsourced patent attorney for USPTO work. We will diligently handle your clients matter and keep both your firm and your client apprised of important developments.

Practical Considerations
in Patent Legal Outsourcing

We respect those that bring their valued clients to us. We will not take legal work from your firm that others in your firm are equipped to handle.We do not offer fee sharing arrangements with other law firms, but we can bill your firm directly or we can include our fees as a line item on your invoice. We bill your clients at our normal rates (which could be lower than your client's existing rates if they are using a large law firm for this work).No appointment is necessary for law firms to discuss matters by phone or WhatsApp.

5-Star Reviews for Jarrett Silver, USPTO-Registered Patent Attorney, Atlanta, Georgia (USA)

Below is a small selection of patent services reviews collected by 3rd party websites without any financial incentives offered. For many additional reviews, you can find those on the the silverlegal reviews page.Similar results should not be expected."Jarrett Silver has served as my breath of fresh air in the prosecution of my patent application. His care and concern, diligence and professionalism has resulted in accessing examiner's feedback with an interview, and the timely submission of Office Action Response. This couldn't have been done without you Jarrett, Thanks for the leadership, guidance and support.""Jarrett is great to work with, very active and communicative through the entire process.""Jarrett did a great job - helped out huge with a tight deadline and stayed up late to make it happen - def will work with again.""I could not be happier with Jarrett for our patent needs. He was so detail oriented and invested in our project, that he felt like a part of our company. He answered the phone immediately when I was out of state, and needed him to advise on a matter with short notice. He worked with us and tailored to our needs and budget, then stuck to it. Will absolutely be using his services again. Thank you.""Though we’re only halfway complete with my case, Silver Legal’s performance already warrants a glowing review. I approached Jarrett under distressed circumstances around a patent application I had previously filed, and once he reviewed all documents, he somehow managed to revamp and increase my protections immeasurably. He’s been incredibly organized and prompt with his communication and deliverables, and is someone who thinks outside the box in his cases. And while he’s advised me, he has also ensured I remain empowered as the final decision-maker. Jarrett has been personable, professional and willing to work with my unique situation, and I’m deeply grateful I discovered his services. I'm much more confident with my patent filings now. I look forward to bringing him more business in the future.""My experience with Jarrett has been simply great. He was able to grasp the details of the product very easily and provide a revised solution which helped a lot during the response process. I highly recommend him to any startup or for that matter any company out there. I wish him the best.""Jarrett Silver helped me with a patent search, and he definitely over delivered on his promise! He got the results back to me much sooner than expected, and even though they found something similar to my idea, he spent a lot of time explaining everything to me and went above and beyond anything I expected, and never charged above our original agreement. I tried working with another law firm and they were not very responsive at all, which is when I reached out to Jarrett. I highly recommend him, and will be using him for anything else I need in the future. I never thought it could be so easy working with an attorney! Thank you!"

Contact Us

Plese reach out to us for your USA patent needs.

info@usapatent.lawPhone/WhatsApp: +1 678 805 7458No appointment is necessary for foreign associates to discuss matters by phone or WhatsApp. First-time WhatsApp texters/callers should introduce themselves before calling as the Firm does not pick up unknown international calls.For the convenience of our clients and potential clients, we can also receive English-language messages through WhatsApp, WeChat, KakaoTalk, Line, or Telegram. Any communications through these apps is subject to their privacy policies and may not be confidential. These apps may not be suitable for sensitive attorney client communications in some situations.Silver Legal LLC
4455 Lower Roswell Road #681041
Marietta, Georgia 30068
silverlegal has no affiliation with Patent Services USA or© Silver Legal 2024. All Rights Reserved.